Drugs of Choice: What Are People Using Now?

Drugs of Choice: What Are People Using Now? - The Meadows Texas

Though the title for most widely used drug in the United States may theoretically vary through the years, several drugs remain prevalent in America today. And they’re continuing to make an impact on our health, communities, and culture at-large. Throw in new drug trends like Kratom, Delta-8, and dab bars, and the presence of drugs (and their consequences) is even more widespread.

How Alcohol Contributes to Systemic Inflammation

How Alcohol Contributes to Systemic Inflammation - The Meadows Texas

Inflammation is a normal function of the human body, the immune system’s first reaction to a perceived danger. However, when inflammation occurs too often, it represents a grave health threat.

The Lasting Effects of Religious Trauma

The Lasting Effects of Religious Trauma - The Meadows Texas

Faith and spirituality — and the religious upbringing that built those concepts in our lives —  profoundly shape how we live as adults. For many, religion is the soil in which everything else about us is grown. But what happens when we experience trauma or abuse from within our faith community? The ripple effect of spiritual trauma runs devastatingly deep.